





Strong artificial intelligence is one of the long-cherished dream of human being, while intelligent robots are its ideal physical sustenance, which have been presented in various forms in a number of science fiction literatures and films. Intelligent robots can understand the human language, understand the human voice; can look at people's eyes, cognize around the environment; can feel, react and think; and can also gain experience and grow through learning. The ability of handling affect is critical to intelligent robots. When lack of understanding and express affect, it will be difficult for intelligent robots to do natural interaction with human beings, difficult to take the initiative to identify people's negative emotions and make a positive response.

This course conducts an introduction to affective intelligent robotics, introduces the movement, perception, control, intelligence and architecture of the robot, explains the role, expression, identification, adjustment of the affect, and the corresponding psychology foundation. This course also discusses the recognition models of human affect through various sensing methods, and finally explores the ways of doing affect adjustment. This course also includes the practice of using Lego EV3 to build robots.

This course is an introductory course for undergraduate students. It does not involve complex mathematics, physical reasoning and computing, and does not require too much computer programming skills. This course mainly discusses the concept, principle, model and realization of affective intelligent robotics. Hope that the involved students can have a comprehensive and deep understanding of affective intelligent robotics, lay a solid foundation for further study or related applications.

The course employs a combination of the usual classroom performance and the grade of the essay to evaluate the final score of a student.